Sunday, June 23, 2013

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball...


I don't really have a poignant story to tell tonight.  I only have gratitude.  And this is going to take a minute, so you might want to grab a comfy chair and a cold beverage.  Because I have a lot to say about encouragement and no real rhyme or reason to go with it. 

Let us begin...


The past couple of weeks have been VERY difficult.  We don't have time to get into all of it right now, so I am just going to tell you about some of the amazing people in my life I would like to thank for their encouragement.  First, the colleagues who let me maim and disfigure them with knifes and needles, in a marginal attempt to learn to the fundamentals of clinical procedures.  Next, let me thank the people who cheered me on, even when they knew my endeavors were a crap shoot, at best.  Thank you for the early morning IMs that simply said "good morning, beautiful."  Thank you for the stories and the laughter.  Thank you to the doctor who, before I had the courage to take matters into my own hands, told me where to go to get help.  Thank you to the amazing women on a different coast who called and texted every day with threats and offers to pay the bills.  Thank you to the friend who looked at me like I was crazy during lunch when I told her "I am tired and I hope this lump is the end  Because I can't do this anymore."  Thank you to the sister who showed up at my house FOUR minutes after hearing despair in my voice.  Thank you to the dear, old friend who cut me a deal on a washer when I needed it.  And by deal, I mean free.  And thank you to another dear old friend, who showed up at my house in a mustang, with a shop vac to clean up the mess I'd made with a broken window.  Thank you to my very own mother, who let me scream profanities at her because I couldn't communicate like a normal person.  Thank you to my dad who offered to buy me health insurance.  Thank you to the familiar, but unexpected voice on the other end of the phone who said "keep your head up, OK?"  Thank you to my girl for insisting I eat cake on Tuesday, when I was ready to just go back to work.  Thank you to the ladies who always post about wine on my FB page.  Thank you to the unforeseen friendship with a woman who REALLY gets me.  Thank you to the guy who gave me shit for being a girl when I was trying to cut the grass.  The grass would still be three feet high, if I didn't have something to prove.  Thank you to the saviors with a cup of coffee in the morning.  Almost every morning.  Thank you to the boss who is gone, but still checks in with me.  Thanks to the new boss lady who has a ton of shit on her own plate, but every day asks what she can do to help. Thank you to the nonrate I screamed at "what are you, a fucking frat boy?? Sit up straight!"  Who had the decency to respond by saying "Sorry, ma'am."  Thank you to the little boy who lost a tooth yesterday for giving me the honor of being his mother.  Thank you to all the people who remind me that being tired doesn't mean I need to give up. 

Back to Encouragement

When I say thank you, I mean to say that I am grateful for your encouragement, for your friendship, for your realism.  Thank you for bugging the shit out of me.  Thank you for irritating me.  Thank you for being the constant.  Because if I didn't have that in my life, I would have given up a long time ago.  The people who give me the hardest time are the people who make me think the most.  They are the people who remind me what is important.  They are the people who make me laugh at what is not. They are the people who have the balls to throw a wrench at me, so that later I can dodge a ball.   That's encouragement.  That's inner peas. 

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