Thursday, September 19, 2013

Harvest Moon - A short

I was born on March 20th .  A Pisces, on the cusp of Aries, ascending in Capricorn.  To the cosmically conscious, that means that I am sensitive and aware, albeit, hysterical at times.  To the rest of the human population, that means that I’m batshit crazy.  People always look at me like they just saw an alien when I talk about the moon and the stars and the planets in retrograde.  And that’s fine.  I’d rather be that kind of crazy than the kind of crazy that keeps human remains in the freezer.  Right?  

I talk a lot about the universe.  And I talk a lot about our cosmic connection.  I talk a lot about emotion.  Because I’m a Pisces.  A water sign.  We are very emotional people.  We are perceptive and intuitive and we will solve all of your problems.  And if we can’t solve your problems, we will hold you close until your life is better.  That’s what we do.  And because I believe in those qualities the universe has bestowed on me, people often think I’m crazy.  Not just a little crazy.  A lot of crazy.  BATSHIT CRAZY. 

So, by now, you  are probably thinking I am WAY crazier than you thought I was before. THISBITCHISFUCKINGCRAZY.  That’s most likely what you are thinking.  And I probably am.  But just do me a favor.  Walk outside tonight.  Look at the night sky.  Watch the harvest moon rise.  As you stand there in silence, let me know what you think.  Do you think that we are alone?  Do you think that moon was meant only for us?  If you think those things, please stop reading.  NOW. But  if you walk outside and hear the silence, under a moonlit sky, and hear everything more clearly, maybe I’m not as crazy as you think I am.  Because if you look up at tonight’s sky, or any night’s sky, you should feel small.  You should feel vulnerable.  You should feel the stillness that gives you a greater appreciation for your existence.  Under the reflection of the moon, you should be humbled by the beauty around you.  You should feel should feel the absence of what you don’t have.  You should feel fulfilled by what you do.  That is the power of the universe.  Gratitude.  Desire.  Humility.  Life is about balance.  If you don’t feel any of those things when you look at the sky tonight, you may want to reevaluate your inner peas.  

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